Peer Review Process

In Iranian Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (IJAAF), Receiving the papers is only possible electronically.

Initial review (Editorial check): In the first stage, each manuscript received electronically is sent to the editorial board for initial evaluation in accordance with the journal scope and format. This stage takes about 2 working days.

Reviewer's Evaluation: The submitted manuscripts that fit the scope and the format of the journal will be reviewed and entered into the publication process, it will be sent to a minimum of tree reviewers assigned by Editor-in-Chief in a double-blinded way where neither the reviewer(s) nor the author(s) are aware of one another’s identity. In this way, the review will be done without prejudice. This process may take about 60 days. 

Post Editorial Evaluation: After receiving the reviewer's comments, the editorial board of the journal evaluates the comments and decide the first decision about the manuscript. This process may take at least 10 days.


So the average manuscript turnaround time for the journal, from submission to the final decision, is about 10 weeks. 80% of manuscripts complete the peer review process within 8 weeks. This timeframe includes initial screening by the editor (1–2 days), double-blind peer review (6–8 weeks), and communication of the final decision. For manuscripts requiring minor or major revisions, the average time to final acceptance is about 14 weeks and depends on authours.