Paper Preparation Guide

Articles Writing Guide

 Received articles will be published after professional review, and being approved by the editorial board.  Submission to this journal is required to send at least two files include: an “Article cover” and an “Anonymous file of the main article”, through Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been published before and it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please pay attention to the following:

Article Cover

The file should be typed in Word software (office), and A4 sized page which include:

  • Full title of the paper centered in Times New Roman 16.
  • Author’s name centered in Times New Roman 12 (Bold).
  • Author’s characteristics centered in Times New Roman 11 (italics), including the authors’ name (the name of correspondence author should be marked with an asterisk (*), academic rank and the name of the institution or university (do not use pseudonym and nickname), complete address, telephone number and fax of correspondence author and e-mail address of all authors.

Anonymous file of the main article:

  • Anonymous file of the main article; This file should not have authors' name or any other information about authors.

Supplementary files:

  • The abstract file in Persian (only for Iranian authors)

The main article should be typed in Word software (office), A4 sized page and in maximum 7500 words (including references), and numbered pages while page margins are as follows: margin from the above 4 cm, from the below 6.5 cm, from the left 4.5 and from the right 5 cm. The line spacing should be set at 1 cm and the beginning of each paragraph indented about 0.3 cm, the entire text should be justified and include the following:

The first page:

  • Full title of the paper, centered in Times New Roman 16.
  • Abstract in Times New Roman 11 and maximum 165 words, including four issues: (1) subject and purpose of the paper, (2) methodology, (3) findings, and (4) conclusions, and contribution.
  • Maximum 5 keywords in Times New Roman
  • Subject classification code in Times New Roman. This coding is designed for subject classification in economic literature and how to use it in detail is available on the following website:
  • The main titles in manuscript (including abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings and conclusion) left aligned in Times New Roman 12(Bold) and sub-titles (such as Keywords, subject classification code and other necessary(important) titles) left aligned in Times New Roman 11(bold) and in the left alignment, content of main manuscript in Times New Roman.
  • As far as possible, do not use any image in the text and if used, it should be high- quality black and white photos.

Structure of second page until the end of manuscript is as follow:

  • Introduction: Some paragraphs contain explaining the problem, literature review, object (purpose), importance and necessity of it.
  • Literature review: A review of the literature investigates only related researches chronologically and the results exploit at the end of the section theory matrix or conceptual model that document research variables and Formulate research hypotheses.
  • Methodology: Includes Methods, data collection tools, population, sample size and sampling methods, analysis and model testing hypothesis, definition of study variables and operational definition of them can be presented the same section that model testing is represented and there is no need to repeat.
  • Results: Includes the findings compare it with the findings of previous and interpretation of compliance or inconsistency of findings with research findings and theories.
  • Conclusion: Includes a summary of the problem, provide a summary of the results and overall conclusion and recommendations based on the results (policy recommendations is necessary only in applied research and, if necessary, recommendations for future research accordant with the research limitations or how development of current research.
  • References: The same as Section 3-2.

Other important points in the original file

- References inside the text

  • In order to reference within the text, APA style(7th version)  should be used (the author's last name with the year of publication)
  • If there are two authors, last names’ will be separated by "&" and if more than three people, "et al." will be used after the last name of the first author.
  • If the number of resources is more than one, a semicolon (;) will be used to separate them.
  • Any reference which is mentioned in the article, must be included in references part.
  • If it is required to explain more about terms or words within the text, endnote can be used.

- References

To set the reference list, use the APA style(7th version), as follows:

Books: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)

When citing a book in APA (7th version), keep in mind:

  • Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and any subtitles, as well as the first letter of any proper nouns.
  • The full title of the book, including any subtitles, should be stated and italicized.
  • Journals: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number(issue number), pages.
  • When citing a Journal in APA (7th version), keep in mind:
  • You can find the volume number with the other publication information of the journal.
  • You can typically find page numbers at the bottom corners of a journal article.
  • If you cannot locate an issue number, simply don’t include it in the citation.
  • Online journal article: Author, A.A. (Year). Title of the Article. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Retrieved  Month Date, Year, from  http://xxxx
  • When creating an online magazine citation, keep in mind:
  • The volume and issue number aren’t always on the same page as the article. Check out the other parts of the website before leaving it out of the citation.
  • List of references should not be numbered. If there are 2 or more authors alike, in addition to alphabetical order, the publisher year also should be ordered. In order to seperate the various sources listed, the beginning of each reference must have 0.5 cm indent.
  • If there are two authors, last names should be separated by "&" and if more than three people, last names by a comma (,) and the last one with "&”.

- Charts, Tables and Formulas

Charts title should be written below and tables title on the top centered in Times New Roman 11 and Bold. Charts and tables render within the text and immediately place after the explaining paragraph. The content of charts and tables in Times New Roman 10.

  • Tables and images must be numbered from 1. When referring to the content of the images and diagrams in the text, use the number and appropriate referral.
  • Inserting decimal numbers, instead of using slash (/), and show negative numbers by using the minus sign.
  • Tables include variables, should contain a column for the symbols used for variables.
  • Formulas represent centered in Times New Roman11and render in a two column table with no border and number with figure in parentheses.

- Other notes

  • There is no need to spaces before dot, comma, semicolon, colon, question mark, exclamation mark and, but after these signs shall be placed a spaces.
  • Use spaces before opening and after the closing parenthesis.
  • Articles should not be sent to Persian/English journal or another language at home and/or abroad simultaneously.
  • If the format and structure of  a submitted article is not the same as what mentioned in this guide, it won’t be accepted.
  • Journal can edit and delete some sections, without any changes in its content.
  • The author(s) is responsible for the accuracy of the artice content.
  • The file should be named in English. This name should include the first author's last name and submission date. Articles will be received only by Journal Website.
  • In order to expedite the referee process and publishing an article, we will ask respected professors and researchers to ensure technical and literary editing and enforce this guide.